Our Christmas Tree
Sometimes, when everyone has gone to bed, I like to just sit and look at our Christmas Tree. In many ways, our tree is a reflection of our family. With each new season, new ornaments have been added - some purchased, some received as gifts, and many made. Ornaments from different seasons of our lives.
Our family Christmas Tree marks our family history-not just decorated, but built. A monument of sorts to the Love, Hope and Faith that has kept us through life’s ups and downs. Added to year by year, like the rings of a tree, it tells our story. How we got here from there. That’s the beauty of it.
Land Cruiser Preservation
The Land Cruiser in the photo, I bought from the original owner, who purchased it in Sierra Vista, Arizona in 1969. I’ve owned two others, but this one is my favorite. There’s a vast difference between restoration and preservation. This one is about preservation. You couldn’t pay me enough to have it painted. The original paint (or what’s left of it), tells the story. Taking years to build the patina. That’s the beauty of it.
Many thanks to those of you who have entrusted me with the task of creating something of your story. Interpreting those moments that are meaningful to you, commemorating an event or achievement brings me special joy. Merry Christmas!