Christmas 2015

Christmas Note:

What makes Christmas special for you? Is it getting out the decorations? Hoping for snow (if you’re a kid), or that it doesn’t snow (if you’re an adult)? Seeing your children or grandchildren in the annual Christmas pageant? Singing the old Christmas carols with renewed fervor? Attending a candlelight service with family at Church on Christmas Eve? 

We have a very large extended family-we have babies coming out of the woodwork! When we would all get together as a family, there was one gift that got passed on year after year. NO ONE wanted it, but it was always fun to see who would wind up with the responsibility of storing it at home for the year until the next Christmas.

For me personally, Christmas is an opportunity to take advantage of moments to pull back on the reigns, step aside from the seasonal current, take a breath, and consider again with renewed anticipation the joyful promise of peace. May that peace find you this holiday season.